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Allied No.1 Acrylic Vinyl Flooring Adhesive



Allied No.1 is a premium, non-staining, acrylic adhesive to permanently install resilient flooring on porous and non-porous sub-floors. Allied No. 1 is for all grade levels of concrete, on, above, and below grade, in the absence of moisture, and for suspended double-sheeted, structurally sound wood floors (APA). This adhesive is non-flammable, water and alkali resistant, and freeze-thaw-stable as determined by ASTM Test Method D 7149.   Allied No.1 has excellent resistance to plasticizer migration and sets to a tough, hard, permanent bond that has <0.1 VOC emissions, meeting and exceeding the requirements of SCAQMD 1168, sets to a tough permanent bond.


Physical Properties:​

Wt. /Gallon (lbs): 9.7

Consistency: White paste

Freeze-thaw: 5 cycles @ 0°F

Shelf life: 1 yr @70°F in an unopened container



Approx. 225 sq. ft. /gallon with a 1/32" x 1/16" x 1/32" u-notched trowel

Approx. 150 sq. ft. /gallon with a 1/16" x 1/16" x 1/16" square-notched trowel



Remove the wet adhesive immediately with a damp cloth. Use Mineral Spirits to remove the dried adhesive. DO NOT APPLY SOLVENT DIRECTLY TO FLOORING MATERIAL.


Sub-Floor Preparation:

All sub-floors shall be clean, dry, and free of dust, dirt, wax, paint, grease, and all other extraneous materials that might interfere with the adhesive bond. Cracks and uneven surfaces must be filled with an approved cement-based patching compound. It is essential that moisture testing shall be performed on all concrete sub-floors regardless of grade level or whether the concrete is freshly poured or is classified as an older slab. Moisture testing shall be performed as per ASTM F 1869 Calcium Chloride Test with moisture levels not to exceed five (5) pounds per Twenty-Four (24) hours per one thousand (1000) square feet, or as per ASTM F 2170 In Situ Relative Humidity Test, with relative humidity (RH) moisture levels not to exceed seventy-five (75) percent. If the test results exceed the limitations, installation shall not proceed until the moisture level lowers to an acceptable level, or the moisture is properly mitigated.   Additional information with regard to subfloor installation and requirements can be found in ASTM F-710.


Installation Information:

  1. Flooring materials and adhesive shall be acclimated to the installation area for a minimum of 24- 48 hours prior to starting installation. 

  2. The area to receive flooring shall be fully enclosed, weather-tight, with the permanent HVAC system set and maintained at a minimum temperature of 65° F for a minimum of 48 hours prior to, during, and after installation.

  3. Allied No.1 is recommended for porous and non-porous applications.  Note: It is the responsibility of the installing party to determine the porosity of the subfloor being covered. To determine if a subfloor is porous, place two droplets of water in various areas. If the sub-floor is porous, the water will be absorbed within 45-60 seconds.

  4. Use a 1/32” x 1/16” x 1/32” U notch trowel for materials equal to or less than 0.80 inches or 2mm

  5. Use a 1/16” x 1/16” x 1/16” square notch trowel for materials thicker than 0.80 inches or 2mm.

  6.  Replace worn trowels to ensure proper spread rate. (DO NOT RE-NOTCH) 

  7.  For porous applications, once troweled, the adhesive shall remain open (flash-off) for approximately 5-10 minutes before placement of the flooring.

  8. After placing the flooring into the adhesive, it shall be rolled immediately utilizing a 100-pound, three-section roller.

  9. For non-porous applications, the adhesive shall be allowed to dry to the touch with little or no transfer of adhesive to the finger

  10. When the adhesive is dry to the touch, it is ready to accept flooring material.

  11. Roll immediately after the flooring has been placed into the adhesive with a 100 lb. roller.

  12. From the time the adhesive is allowed to dry to the touch, to the time it must be covered, there is 45-60 minutes of working time, depending on temperature and humidity. The adhesive must be pliable in order for the installation to proceed.

  13. If the adhesive remains uncovered after it initially dries to the touch, for periods longer than the recommended time, a loss in adhesion strength will result. Care shall be taken by the installer not to spread more adhesive than can be worked within the recommended time frame. Chatter will be heard if the fingernail is run across the beads of adhesive.



If any questions exist by the installer or floor-covering dealer as to whether or not this product is appropriate, contact Allied Tile’s Technical Service Department.

Prevent all traffic for a minimum of 24 hours and heavy traffic and rolling loads for 72 hours.

Do not wash or clean the floor for a minimum of 3-5 days after installation is completed to allow the adhesive to adhesive proper adhesion.



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